Jered Snyder uncovers the less traveled corners of the West Coast

New Mythology by Yusuf Lateef imagines a different path

New Mythology by Yusuf Lateef imagines a different path

Photographer Jered Snyder has released two zines with Corner Bodega Publishers, the first one is Village in and the second more recently release is Peculiar Notion. He resides on the west coast in Oakland, CA.

Village inn zine

"First and foremost, I'm a New Yorker. Professionally, I'm a digital product designer, but outside of work I love photography. I also have a love for typography that dates all the way back to the 90s when I was enamored by the NYC graffiti scene. Making things and finding creativity in the mundane is my passion."


Above: Photographer Jered Snyder

Q: Tell us a little bit about your background?

A: ---


Above: Peculiar Notion 

peculiarnotion zine

Peculiar Notion Zine - $18

Created during the pandemic, this street photography style zine by Jered Snyder explores the San Francisco Bay Area – both in its physical environment and the people that inhabit it. It is a project that speaks to the unique and different ways we humans manifest ourselves, especially in times of uncertainty.

4.75"x7.25". Black & white, on white 80lb satin paper.

You can find more of Jered Snyder's work on instagram @imjered

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